Since we had to work on Thanksgiving (don't worry...we'll be talking to the Irish government to try to get this changed)...we celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday after the true Thanksgiving Day. We had a great party, with five irish guests (Brendan, Marguritte, Micheal, Ciaran, Padraig) and three Canadians (Neera, Terry and Hilary). Our Canadian friends also invited us to their Thanksgiving celebration, which took place at the Flannery's pub 6 weeks prior.
The dinner was definitely a mixture of cultures! Sean and I took care of the turkey and pumpkin pie (with the pumpkin mix directly imported from the US!), and our friends each added their own personal twist to the dinner. Marguritte and Micheal made a delicious dish called bubble and squeak (potatoes, cabbage, and sausages), Ciaran brought roasted parsnips which were instantly devoured. Padraig wowed all of us with his Baked Alaska - a true culinary work of art. Thanks to everyone for sharing this special holiday with us!