Overall, I had a great birthday. The celebration started the night before when Amanda and I had dinner at Paragon followed by a much needed girls' tea session at Tea Chai Te on NW 23rd. I then came home and found this bouquet of roses and lilies which Sean sent to me...
...attached with this note
This morning, Sean and I had a nice long chat on Skype, which was followed by pedicures with Sarah and Diane!
Tonight, my parents, Mick, Sarah, Finn and Diane and myself went to Piazza Italia for a great dinner! Diane, Sarah, Mick, and Finn also suprised me with a beautiful bouquet of paper flowers and my very own bubble tea set, which I am excited to try!

At the end of the meal, the owner was very generous and treated us with a big plate of tiramisu! He wanted to sing happy birthday to me, but apparently wasn't a fan of my name. Instead of 'Belinda', he renamed me 'Rosita' and led the restaurant in song!
The only thing that could have made this day better was to have Sean here. I am hoping that the residency match computer will give me a belated birthday present on March 19th and send Sean back home to me! Thanks again everyone for making this a great day!