Friday, January 18, 2008


Hi Everyone! Sorry that its been a little while, but Sean and I have been crazy busy with med school and lab stuff. Sean has been studying non-stop since the beginning of the New Year. He has two exams next week and will start his full day rotations. As for myself, I am trying to wrap up two different studies, submit an abstact for a Physiological Society meeting, resumbit a manuscript..and the list goes on. Do you ever have the feeling where your 'to-do' list just keeps getting longer and longer and it seems like there is nothing you can do about it? Hopefully things will calm down towards the end of the month!

1 comment:

Grant Factor said...

"to do" lists expanding faster than the rate at which you can check things off? I definitely understand that! I hope things have calmed down by now.

Congratulations to Sean on starting rotations! You guys are doing awesome!
