Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So many changes: a dual life and a new president

Monday morning, Nov 3, was my last day in Cork, which means that Sean and I have officially started our long-distance relationship. So far, its been OK. I don't miss the guy at all (just kidding...I actually miss him very much). We knew this was coming and know that we are in this for a lifetime, so six months apart is nothing in the grand scheme of things. He is also back in Oregon on Nov 22 for his OHSU interview (YAY!!), which makes the transition easier. We were apart longer this summer when he went to The Mayo Clinic, so this will be a breeze!

I want to thank all of my friends in Cork for two lovely send-offs. On Thursday I went out with the Physiology Dept, and Friday had dinner with our friends from Sean's medical school class. I am very sad to leave all of you, but as I said last week, this is only a 'see-you-later' rather than a good-bye. My time in Ireland has shown me that strong friendships will go the distance, no matter how far apart you are or how long you are away. I have made some amazing friends in Cork and I know that we'll always be in touch. And...I'll be back in May! The time will undoubtely fly by!

I have to admit that its nice to be back in Oregon. On my first day back in the US, I did the most 'American' thing that I can think of...I voted! Thank goodness that Oregon is a blue state!

My parents and I watched Sen. Barack Obama's speech on television last night. It brought tears to my eyes, as it did to millions of Americans that night. Will he live up to all of his promises? No. I don't think anybody on this earth can completely dig us out of the hole that we are in. Are his intentions genuine and will he make the effort to start the transformation of this country into a place that can be respected by the world once again? Yes, I truly believe he will. It has already started. At this stage, what more can we ask for? And does he give me that 'warm-fuzzy' feeling? Damn right he does! I need warm-fuzzy. This country needs warm-fuzzy. We need someone that brings tears to our eyes because he's an inspiration and gives us hope, and makes us feel that the people of this country actually matter. This country hasn't been inspired in 8 years, and its finally time for a change!

1 comment:

Lacy & Simon said...

I couldn't agree more! I'm so excited but everytime I think about what happened on Tuesday night I tear up. I feel so relieved and hopeful for the future. I also feel that I'm proud of my country. This is somehting I haven't felt in many years.
I'm glad to have you back in the States! You are welcome in PA anytime you want to visit.