Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Revival of the Blog

So, it looks like my last post was June 11th, 2008. To those who frequent our blog (or began to lose hope...)we are very sorry for the hiatus in postings! Its been a whirlwind of a summer for Sean and I, but we are now back in Cork and settling into a more normal routine. The highlights of our summer included:

Sean -
1)Sitting at the Houghton's dining room table for 10hrs a day throughout June to study for the USMLE Step 2 Exam.
2)Taking the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (August)and Written (June) Exams, by which he scored a 234/97!!!
2) Summer elective in pediatric surgery at Doernbechers Children's Hospital in Portland, OR
3) A second summer elective in general surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN
4) Meeting nephew Finn for the first time!
5) Using what time he had left to spend with his family, friends, and most importantly his loving fiance!
6) Frequenting his favorite eateries, including the weekly sushi feed since we don't have such luxuries in Cork.

Belinda -
1) Writing my dissertation, which I submitted in mid August! My defense is scheduled for October 1.
2) Waking up at 4:45am every morning in July to take Sean to OHSU for his elective because the bus wouldn't get him there in time for rounds. He sooooo better love me after that. Its amazing how quiet everything is at that hour, how much you can get done when you start your day at 5am, and how impossible the 'K103 nearly impossible question' really is!
3) The Annual McCully Firepit BBQ (Sean was there too!)
4) Hosting Ciaran's visit to Oregon. Ciaran is my officemate from UCC and this was his first trip to the US!
5) Sailing around the San Juan Islands with Sean's parents (George and Diane), sister (Sarah) and nephew (Finn) on their boat, Swansong.
6) Wedding planning, finally!!!
7) Travelling to Ireland and Croatia with my best friend, Amanda.

See, we've been busy!!! I've also posted some pictures from our summer and travels, which you can find in the picture gallery. Sean's sister, Sarah, also has pics from our summer visit on their website.

We hope everyone had a great summer and we really enjoyed spending time with everyone back home!


Lacy & Simon said...

I'm so glad the blog has been revived!!!! It is good to see what you have been up to.
Hey I'm finally on skype. I'm
lholowatz. Let's see if I can make it work!

Grant Factor said...

Love the new look! Glad you're settling in back in Ireland. Good luck on your defense Belinda, you're going to rock it as usual!


Sean and Belinda said...

Lacy, We'll make sure to add you to our Skype list! We're heading to Cambridge this weekend, but we MUST chat soon!

Thanks Grant! We wish you and Nicole all the best on your big day this weekend. Can't wait to see the pictures!