Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sean and Belle go to Mayo...Part 1

Just wanted to write a quick posting that we are in Rochester, MN for Sean's interview at The Mayo Clinic. First impression of Rochester? It is COLD! Well, I think its cold, but I'm always cold. Sean says its not that cold, but he's used to -20F windchills during his ski racing days. My Filipino blood is not accustomed to this yet, so 25F and snow is cold to me. However, the town is nice, and the hospital is very impressive! I'm looking forward to touring more of Mayo tomorrow.

As for plans tomorrow...Sean has his interview and his day starts at 6:30am. I'm taking the day to meet with some researchers to learn more about postdoctoral opportunities, just in case our next move is out to Rochester! We're both really looking forward to tomorrow!


Eric Snyder said...

Did B-Rad hook you up with Joyner? Who did you meet with? E-mail me at Hope you had fun! E

Lacy & Simon said...

Glad you are having fun! Stay warm and let me know how your meetings go.